Monday, 2 August 2010

Please Tell Me Why We Aren't Talking About Advance Care Planning

Have a look at the Respecting Choices website. A very powerful study that indicates the importance of advance care planning conversations.
Also, check out the August 2nd New Yorker for the article, Letting Go, by Atul Gawande. It's a long read for a magazine article, but it may be the most important piece you read this year. It refers to the work done at Gundersen Lutheran Hospital and the impact on the residents of La Crosse, Wisconsin. In the New Yorker article, Gawande comments on the perspective of many that death is the ultimate enemy and there is nothing reproachable in those who rage against it:
"I think of [this] every time I have a patient with a terminal illness. There is almost always a long tail of possibility, however thin. What's wrong with looking for it? Nothing, it seems to me, UNLESS it means we have failed to prepare for the outcome that's vastly more probable. The trouble is that we've built our medical system and culture around the long tail. We've created a multitrillion-dollar edifice for dispensing the medical equivalent of lottery tickets--and have only the rudiments of a system to prepare patients for the near-certainty that those tickets will not win. Hope is not a plan, but hope is our plan."

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Impact of a Disease-Specific Advance Care Planning Intervention

I can hardly wait for the July 2010 publication of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
The study that will be featured in this article by Kirchhoff, Hammes, Kehl, and Briggs contains data that demonstrate the striking effectiveness of the Respecting Choices® structured, patient-centered interview. The structured nature of the interview means that facilitators trained in its delivery can use the intervention with consistence and integrity. Please contact me for further information about this intervention.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Successful International Conference

The Melbourne Inaugural ACP Conference was an outstanding success. What a treat to be in the presence of such stellar healthcare leaders and to hear of the progress being made in the field of Advance Care Planning.

The speakers noted on the conference web page represented a broad range of clinical perspectives from around the world and delivered outstanding presentations.

The next international conference is being planned for London, England in June, 2011.

Friday, 12 March 2010

International ACP Conference - An Idea Whose Time Has Come

No longer a topic to be approached tentatively, fearing legal and ethical recriminations. Finally a topic to be incorporated into the everyday lives and health care of individuals--conversations to be initiated and honoured over time--a process, not an event. A fundamental human right: the right to express wishes about personal goals for future health care and have those wishes be durable through periods of decision-making incapacity. Advance Care Planning and the research supporting it will be the linchpin of the first ever International Conference on Advance Care Planning being held this April in Melbourne, Australia. International experts presenting in Melbourne include: Associate Professor W (Bill) Silvester
Austin Health, VIC (Chair)

Dr Bud Hammes

Ethicist and advance care planning expert, Wisconsin, USA
Ms Linda Briggs
Ethicist and advance care planning expert, Wisconsin, USA

Professor John Luce
Critical care and end-of-life care specialist, San Francisco, USA
Prof Malcolm Fisher AO

Intensive Care and end-of-life care specialist, Sydney, Australia

Ms Sue Grant RN, Dipl.T.

Advance care planning expert, Vancouver, Canada

Professor Jane Seymour
Palliative and end-of-life care expert, Nottingham, UK
Professor Keri Thomas

National Clinical Lead Palliative Care in the UK National Health Service End-of-life care program and Lead for the Gold Standards Framework program, Clinical Director Community Pall Care, Pan- Birmingham Palliative Care Network, Senior Clinical Lecturer Birmingham University, UK

Professor Pablo Simón Lorda

Advance care planning expert, Granada Spain

Professor Edwin C. Hui

Ethics and end-of-life care specialist, Hong Kong